2023 Census Hamilton Renters at SA2 Areas
The percentage of homes being rented in Rototuna East has doubled over the past decade (21% in 2013 to 42% in 2023) and it is very likely that, with a median age of 32, it will be a neighbourhood where most residents will have a landlord within the next few years. The proportion of renters in Flagstaff North East (median age 33.2 years, 16% renting in 2013 to 35% in 2023) has also doubled. Chedworth renters (16% in 2013 to 33% in 2023) have also doubled, but here the median age is 36.1 years: these people are leaving it a bit later in their life to get on the property ladder.
The university neighbourhood of Greensboro, with 89% renting, has the highest percentage of tenants, and with a median age of 23 years is one of the youngest neighbourhoods in Hamilton. Other high-tenanted neighbourhoods include Whitiora with 80% renters [median age 30.7], Hamilton East Village 72% [median age 39], Hamilton Central 69% [median age 39], Hamilton West 69% [median age 33.9] and Melville North 69% [median age 32.4]. All of these are located with walking distance of town centres and/or areas with good job density.
Swarbrick is worth a closer look: it has 66 percent of dwellings rented, and the median age here is 31.8 years, which is younger than Hamilton’s median age of 33.2 years. The median income in 2023 was $41.5k, which is within 1,000 dollars of Hamilton’s median of $42.2k, and is an improvement from 2013 when Swarbrick’s $25.1k median income was over 2,000 dollars below Hamilton city’s $27.7k. Swarbrick is an established high density neighbourhood, which is attracting young people on improving incomes.
Enderley South (65% renting), Enderley North (61% renting) and Silverdale (61% renting), have median ages between 30 and 32 years, which is reasonably young. In these areas, income is low at between $31k and $35k, nearly $10,000 below Hamilton’s median income. These three neighbourhoods have been like this for over a decade, and people in these areas clearly need ongoing taxpayer investment to improve public spaces, provide affordable transport options, and grant rent subsidies so landlords can provide healthy homes.
Posts on 2023 Census - median incomes, Age, Density