2023 Census Hamilton Population density at SA2 Areas
Only the industrial northern area of Te Rapa North lost population between 2012 and 2023 (was 180 people, now 135). All other neighbourhoods (census SA2 areas) increased in population. Kirikiriroa Hamilton as a city, according to the 2023 census, has a population of 174,741 people (divided by 111 km2 this equals 1,574 people per square kilometre) compared to a population of 141,612 people in 2013 (1,276 ppk2).
Reference - Medium sized cities in Netherlands & Germany: 2024 update
Hamilton’s higher-density housing zones of Greensboro (university) at 8,788 people per km2 (ppk2), Swarbrick (6,158 ppk2) and Melville North (4,572 ppk2) are reliably the most densely populated neighbourhoods (census SA2 areas) in Hamilton. Newcomers to the top ten most densely populated SA2 areas are Flagstaff North East (3,437 ppk2), Rototuna East (3,576 ppk2) and Kahikatea (3,603 ppk2).
At the bottom of the density list are the industrial and rural SA2 areas of Hamilton. Outliers here are Hamilton Central with just 515 people per km sq (ppk2), which is now in the bottom ten census SA2 neighbourhood areas. Other areas dropping into the bottom twenty SA2 areas are Huntington (1,989 ppkm2), Hamilton East (1,792 ppkm2), Queenwood (1,636 ppkm2), and Miropiko (1,590 ppkm2). These are all established areas (with large residential sections) and even though the number of people living in these SA2 area has increased, population densities are not increasing as fast as in most other neighbourhoods.
The SA2 areas to watch are Claudelands (2,853 to 2,883 ppkm2) and Peachgrove (3,468 to 3,618 ppkm2): these two areas have dropped over ten places. However, Plan Change 12 allows much greater density at the edges of these neighbourhoods.
A stand-out established neighbourhood is Whitiora: in 2013 it had 1,827 people (2,018 ppk2) compared to 2,862 people (2,862 ppk2) in 2023, amounting to a 56% increase in population (41% increase in density). However, this is likely the result of providing emergency housing in motels. It represents an extremely large increase in population density compared to Hamilton’s overall 23% increase in population and density.
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